Saturday, May 1, 2010 a perfect world:
no worman seventy-five years old would still be having hot-flashes. In fact, no woman would have hot flashes at all. Really, and with respect, My Lord, whatever are they good for?
no one would be allowed to sell items in packaging that requires either tools or superhuman strength to open. All I wanted this morning was a cup of coffee. The room I was in contained 1. instructions in the form of six steps of indecipherable pictures printed on the coffe maker itself, but underneath the lid so that I saw them only after I'd finally decided I could probably figure it out without directions and 2. a packet of coffee inside a wrapper I'd defy anyone to open without a pair of scissors--and which an exhaustive search of the room failed to uncover. If cigarette packages were equally hard to open, the number of cigarette smokers would decide measurably. (Surgeon-General take note.
and, last thought for the day, one's energy wouldn't give out on a daily basis before she got to the end of her "to do" list.

Hey, I can't be the only one who sees ways this world is occasionally in need of improvement. Feel free to add your own suggestion any time.

1 comment:

  1. I couldn't agree more about the hot flashes/night sweats thing. After four years, I am SO done with this.

    And those hotel coffee packets? Half the time you rip the filter inside when you tear open the wrapper. Or at least I do.

    When you combine the two (sleep interrupted by night sweats and morning slowed by coffee difficulties), life is just plain hard.
